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Elfbar TACJA Menthol Nicotine Pouches

These Menthol Nicotine Pouches provide a fresh and invigorating nicotine experience. These tobacco-free pouches offer a cool, minty sensation, making them a discreet and refreshing choice for nicotine consumers seeking a brisk twist. Picture this: You're on a bus or train, delayed, irritated by a child kicking your seat. Running late, in need of a nicotine fix? Reach for a pouch, close your eyes, and savor the soothing sensation, letting your worries slip away.

Elf Bar TACJA Nicotine Pouches are soft, white pouches crafted from a blend of gum and plant-based fibers. These pouches are entirely free of tobacco and are engineered to deliver a long-lasting, velvety nicotine experience. They are conveniently packaged in a portable case, with each pack containing 20 pouches, each loaded with 20mg of nicotine.

To use them, simply place a pouch between your top or bottom lip and gum. If preferred, you can position the pouch to the side of your mouth for added comfort. You'll experience a gentle tingling sensation that endures for approximately 15 minutes, and you can retain the pouch in your mouth for up to one hour. Once you're done, make sure to dispose of the pouch safely.

Elf Bar TACJA Nicotine Pouches are designed for on-the-go use, making them especially suitable for situations where vaping is prohibited, such as on airplanes, public transportation, or indoors.

For your safety, always follow the provided instructions and keep the product out of reach of children. It's also important to be aware that this product may contain traces of nuts. These pouches are manufactured in Sweden and intended for adult smokers or vapers exclusively.

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